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Load Data from Local File

Using HTTP API v1/streaming_load to load data from local file into Databend.

Before you begin

Part 1: Preparing books.csv

On your local machine, create a text file with the following CSV contents and name it books.csv:

Transaction Processing,Jim Gray,1992
Readings in Database Systems,Michael Stonebraker,2004

This CSV file field delimiter is , and the record delimiter is \n.

Part 2: Creating Database and Table in Databend

create database book_db;
use book_db;
create table books
title VARCHAR(255),
author VARCHAR(255),
date VARCHAR(255)

Part 3: Load books.csv into Databend

Request /v1/streaming_load
echo curl -H \"insert_sql:insert into book_db.books format CSV\" -H \"skip_header:0\" -H \"field_delimiter:','\"  -H \"record_delimiter:'\n'\"  -F  \"upload=@./books.csv\"  -XPUT|bash

"id": "f4c557d3-f798-4cea-960a-0ba021dd4646",
"state": "SUCCESS",
"stats": {
"rows": 2,
"bytes": 157
"error": null

    • is http_handler_host value in your databend-query.toml
    • 8081 is http_handler_port value in your databend-query.toml
  • -F \"upload=@./books.csv\"

    • Your books.csv file location

Part 4: Query the result

Request v1/query API
curl --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"sql": "select * from book_db.books"}'
"id": "f86fa6da-25f1-424c-a6ce-8fb56d0d05e5",
"schema": {
"fields": [
"name": "title",
"default_expr": null,
"data_type": {
"type": "NullableType",
"inner": {
"type": "StringType"
"name": "Nullable(String)"
"name": "author",
"default_expr": null,
"data_type": {
"type": "NullableType",
"inner": {
"type": "StringType"
"name": "Nullable(String)"
"name": "date",
"default_expr": null,
"data_type": {
"type": "NullableType",
"inner": {
"type": "StringType"
"name": "Nullable(String)"
"metadata": {}
"data": [
"Transaction Processing",
"Jim Gray",
"Readings in Database Systems",
"Michael Stonebraker",
"state": "Succeeded",
"error": null,
"stats": {
"scan_progress": {
"rows": 2,
"bytes": 157
"running_time_ms": 19.9239
"stats_uri": "/v1/query/f86fa6da-25f1-424c-a6ce-8fb56d0d05e5",
"final_uri": "/v1/query/f86fa6da-25f1-424c-a6ce-8fb56d0d05e5/kill?delete=true",
"next_uri": null